GloCyte®Automated Cell Counter for CSF
GloCyte is an automated cell counter that delivers accurate and precise total nucleated cell (TNC) and red blood cell (RBC) results at clinically relevant low levels, reducing valuable time spent counting those more difficult specimens. Using a novel combination of fluorescence technology, highly specific reagents, and an intelligent counting algorithm, GloCyte can handle all of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimens that ent…
Easy to use, user friendly.
CSF cell count
It does not take up a lot of space on the Lab bench. Easy to operate and user friendly. Quick and accurate results. System prompts to enter pertinent specimen information such as color, clarity, tube #, etc. Once trained, the steps are easy to remember. Counts RBC’s less than 1000 unlike the XN and if the provider needs a specific number of RBC’s the XN count is not helpful for less than 1000. Easier to use than using the hemocytometer. NO MORE extra steps seen on using chamber counts: cleaning counting chamber and cover slip before counting, placing chamber in a moist box to wait for cells to settle, lysing RBC with acetic acid before WBC can be counted, focusing microscope etc.
Review Date: 24 Feb 2021 | Advanced Instruments
GloCyte is an automated cell counter that delivers accurate and precise total nucleated cell (TNC) and red blood cell (RBC) results at clinically relevant low levels, reducing valuable time spent counting those more difficult specimens. Using a novel combination of fluorescence technology, highly specific reagents, and an intelligent counting algorithm, GloCyte can handle all of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimens that enter your laboratory. There’s never been a CSF analyzer like this.