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Hamilton RCX-10 And RCX-30 Columns

Hamilton RCX-10 And RCX-30 Columns for the Anion Exchange Separation of Carbohydrates

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Hamilton RCX-10 And RCX-30 Columns for the Anion Exchange Separation of Carbohydrates

Hamilton RCX-10 carbohydrate analysis columns are designed for the isocratic and gradient separation of carbohydrates. Samples containing two or three carbohydrates, for example Ice Cream can be quickly separated isocratically while more complex samples like Corn Syrup, require gradient elution to fully resolve all the oligomers (DP1 to DP7). The RCX-10 column replaces two soft-gel, ligand exchange columns for the following applications.

  • The baseline separation of mono and disaccharides, i.e., glucose, fructose, and sucrose (typically performed on a 7.5% crosslinked calcium loaded gel-type column).
  • The determination of oligomer distributions from DP1 to DP8 (typically performed on a 4.0% crosslinked calcium loaded gel-type column). The separation of carbohydrates by anion exchange at basic pH is possible because each carbohydrate carries a different negative charge at basic pH. To utilize the full potential of the RCX-10 column (gradient separations) a Pulsed Amperometric Detector (PAD) is recommended. A PAD allows utilization of both gradient and isocratic elution for the separation of carbohydrates. A typical mobile phase is sodium hydroxide and sodium acetate. When the concentration of the mobile phase is changed, a variety of samples can be separated.

Product Overview
