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Heto PowerDry LL3000 Freeze Dryer

A strong tool for small scale freeze drying tasks. Designed to handle general laboratory applications and has a standard controller well suited for straight forward freeze drying tasks; e.g. bulk drying where vacuum regulation is not required. Compact design with sloping front. Product detail: Compact unit: Condenses 3kg ice per 24h; 6kg ice capacity. Individual configuration: With stackable and flexible manifolds or chambe…

Thermo Fisher Scientific

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A strong tool for small scale freeze drying tasks. Designed to handle general laboratory applications and has a standard controller well suited for straight forward freeze drying tasks; e.g. bulk drying where vacuum regulation is not required. Compact design with sloping front.

Product detail:

Compact unit: Condenses 3kg ice per 24h; 6kg ice capacity.

Individual configuration: With stackable and flexible manifolds or chambers. All Heto accessories can be freely interchanged between any Heto models.

Unique cooling: PowerDry® concept with twin-capillary tube system offering auto regulation for maximum cooling performance thus providing the fastest possible drying time as well as evenly and fully distributed ice condensation.

Easy to use controller: Analog controller with AWO (Alarm-Wait-Okay) status indicator and temperature read-out. Easily read.

Robust condenser: Fully welded, vertically, one-piece, easy to clean, Acid-resistant stainless steel (AISI 316).

Easy drainage: Condenser drain for 100% collection of melted ice.

Versatile connection: Acrylic lid, silicone sealed. Fits manifolds and chambers via cone adapter placed in center. Gives good visual control of condenser.

Resistant cabinet: Powder-painted steel.

Corrosion resistant top: Acid-proof stainless steel.

Safe refrigerant: HFC type R507.

Easy connection vacuum valve:. Allows cold-start of pump, cryo pumping, de-icing while pump is running, loading and unloading without switch off.

Mobile system: Trolley can easily accommodate a freeze dryer with all it's accessories. Makes it easy to share equipment between labs.

Product Overview
