IDEXX VetAutoread Hematology Analyser
The IDEXX VetAutoread™ Hematology Analyser* offers thorough screening, presurgical testing and general health checkups in-house.

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Great results, low cost, useful tool for emergency cases.
Great and very fast results with very low cost. You have got haematology results very fast in an emergency case. The after sale service is excellent and QBC Retains resale value.
Review Date: 31 Oct 2023 | IDEXX Corp.
The IDEXX VetAutoread analyser connects to the IDEXX VetLab Station, a laboratory information management system that collects all results into an electronic medical record and prints them on an integrated report for easy interpretation.
Parameter and Description
Hematocrit (Hct) - Calculated as the percentage of packed red cell volume to the total blood sample volume. Reported as Hct %.
Hemoglobin (Hgb) - The calculation is derived from a measurement of the depth that the float descends into the packed red cells (a function of red cell density) and the hematocrit. The analyzer makes corrections for buffy coat volume. Reported as Hgb (g/dL).
MCHC - Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (hemoglobin/hematocrit) x 100.
WBC - This parameter combines the total granulocyte and lymphocyte/monocyte measurements. Reported as WBC x 109/L. The analyzer will also report "106 x mL" and "103 x µL."
Total Granulocyte Count (GRANS) - This buffy coat segment consists of granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils). The length of this band is converted into a total granulocyte count. Reported as GRANS x 109/L.
Percentage Granulocytes - Granulocytes expressed as a percentage of the total white cell count and displayed as % GRANS.
Eosinophils (EOS) / Neutrophils (NEUT) - Only available for canine and bovine samples; high levels of eosinophils (> ∼ .5 x 109/L) can be recognized and quantified by the analyzer. In these cases, the eosinophil count and neutrophil count (by subtraction) are printed after the % GRANS. (Any basophils present are included in the neutrophil count.)
Total Lymphocyte/Monocyte Count (L/M) - Stained lymphocytes and monocytes comprise one segment of the buffy coat. The length of this band is converted into a total lymphocyte/monocyte count. Reported as L/M x 109/L.
Percentage Lymphs/Monos - Lymphocytes and monocytes can also be expressed as a % of the total white cell count. Displayed as % L/M.
Platelet Count (PLT) - Stained platelets comprise the lowest density layer of the buffy coat. The length of this band is converted into a numerical platelet count value. Reported as PLT x 109/L.
% Reticulocytes - This parameter is only available for canine and feline samples; expressed as a percentage of the (RETICS) hematocrit, within the range of 0.2% ≤ x ≤4.0%.
Fibrinogen (Fib) - Total plasma fibrinogen is reported as mg/dL.