Products & ReviewLife Sciences

Incucyte® CytoLight Rapid Red Reagent for live cell cytoplasmic labeling

Supplied as five vials, sufficient for 100 to 1000 tests. Each vial sufficient for labelling labels 10-100 million cells.

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Sartorius Group

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Incucyte® CytoLight Rapid Dyes for live-cell labelling enable simple, fast and highly efficient labelling of living cells. These dyes are well suited for identifying the location of cells within a population and monitoring the dynamic interactions between cells in mixed cultures. They are ideal for labelling cell types that are difficult to label using BacMam, lentivirus or other transfection-based labelling approaches (e.g. immune cells and primary cells). These dyes can be multiplexed with Incucyte® Annexin V, Caspase-3/7 or Cytotox reagents for simultaneous readouts of apoptosis or cytotoxicity.

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