Incucyte® Cytotox Red Reagent for counting dead cells
Supplied as five vials (5 µL per vial, 1 mM in DMSO). Each vial sufficient for 100-200 live cell imaging cytotoxicity tests in 96-well format.
Incucyte® Cytotox Reagents are highly sensitive cyanine nucleic acid dyes ideally suited to a simple mix-and-read, real-time quantification of cell death.
Addition of the Incucyte® Cytotox Reagents to normal healthy cells is non-perturbing to cell growth or morphology and yields little or no intrinsic fluorescent signal. Once cells become unhealthy plasma membrane integrity diminishes, allowing entry of the Incucyte® Cytotox Reagent and yielding a 100-1000-fold increase in fluorescence upon binding to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).
With the Incucyte® integrated analysis software fluorescent objects can be quantified and background fluorescence minimized.