Products & ReviewLife Sciences

Invitrogen™ FLoid™ Cell Imaging Station

Designed to remove all of the inherent complexities of capturing and processing three color fluorescent cell images

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Designed in collaboration with fluorescence microscopy users, the FLoid Cell Imaging Station captures high-quality, three-color fluorescent cell images right at your benchtop, with an interface that is so simple even novice users can collect data in just a few clicks of the mouse. Anyone Can Image: FLoid's intuitive user interface allows novices and experts to generate fluorescence cell images in a snap. Self-Contained Instrument: No moving parts provides an insurance policy for your expensive confocal scopes allowing day to day use. Protocols and Reagent Info Preloaded: The integrated Molecular Probes reagent selection guide with protocols helps you design and execute your cell imaging experiments. Print Image Stickers Directly From FLoid: Print and stick captured images right in your notebook with the associated printer. Image at Your Bench: The instrument design blocks ambient light taking fluorescent cell imaging out of the darkroom and on your bench.

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