Products & ReviewLife Sciences

Invitrogen™ SureLock™ Tandem Midi Gel Tank

Thermo Fisher ScientificSTM1001Available: Worldwide

The Invitrogen™ SureLock™ Tandem Midi Gel Tank delivers easy and consistent vertical protein gel electrophoresis of 1 or 2 Invitrogen™ midi gels. Pair with the Invitrogen™ SureLock™ Tandem Midi Blot Module to perform efficient, 30-minute, room-temperature, wet protein transfers. Separate chambers make it easy to run just one gel or transfer, allowing you to save on buffer and limit methanol waste and disposal costs. There is…

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The SureLock Tandem Midi Gel Tank is uniquely designed to enable convenient, reliable gel electrophoresis and protein transfer of high-performance Invitrogen midi gels. You can perform vertical electrophoresis of one or two midi gels, or transfer of one or two midi gels using the SureLock Tandem Midi Blot Module. Separate chambers make it easy to run just one gel or transfer, allowing you to save on buffer and limit methanol waste. Wet transfers can be performed in 30 minutes at room temperature, and there is no need to prechill buffers overnight or freeze cooling accessories before use. Blot Modules sold separately and in Welcome Packs.

The SureLock Tandem Midi Gel Tank is compatible with all Invitrogen precast midi gels and Invitrogen handcast midi gel cassettes, providing you with an effective and efficient 2-in-1 solution for producing publication-quality high throughput electrophoresis and western blotting results.

The SureLock Tandem Midi Gel Tank can be purchased separately or in a variety of product bundles. It can be purchased in a welcome pack with the SureLock Tandem Midi Blot Module and PVDF or nitrocellulose membranes, and SureLock Tandem Transfer Tray. The SureLock Tandem Midi Gel Tank is also included with Invitrogen midi gels, buffers, and ladders, at no extra charge in several Protein Gels Welcome Packs.

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