Products & ReviewClinical Diagnostics

LiquidArray® Gastrointestinal

Bruker Microbiology & Infection DiagnosticsAvailable: ,Western Europe,Eastern Europe,Africa,

Next generation multiplexing assay for the simultaneous detection of up to 26 pathogens that cause gastroenteritis in a single protocol. Replace multiple tests with one.

Bruker Microbiology & Infection Diagnostics

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Gastroenteritis is a significant global health concern, particularly for vulnerable populations like children, immunosuppressed individuals, and the elderly, as it can lead to severe life-threatening conditions. Timely identification of the causative pathogens which include bacteria, viruses, parasites and pathogen-associated toxins, is crucial for healthcare professionals to prescribe an appropriate treatment. Bruker's multiplex syndromic panels help streamline the clinical laboratories routine.

LiquidArray® Gastrointestinal is a multiplex syndromic panel that combines real-time PCR with the next generation multiplexing LiquidArray® technology. This qualitative assay allows for the simultaneous detection of up to 26 pathogens that cause gastroenteritis - including bacteria, viruses, parasites and pathogen-associated toxins - in a single protocol, from patient stool samples.

The amplification with the FluoroCycler® XT and the analysis with the FluoroSoftware® XT-IVD generates results at a glance, in an easy-to-use and easy-to-interpret test report.

  • Detect up to 26 pathogens causing gastrointestinal infections in a single protocol
  • Single test for bacteria, viruses, parasites and pathogen associated toxins
  • Results at a glance, automatically interpreted with FluoroSoftware® XT-IVD

Product Overview
