Meritas® POC Analyzer
The Meritas® cTnI test is a single use, rapid one-step fluorescence immunoassay for in vitro quantitative determination of cTnI in EDTA anticoagulated human whole blood and plasma specimens. Meritas® cTnI test can both be used as an aid in the diagnosis of MI but also for risk stratification of patients with MI in respect to their relative risk of mortality. The test is to be used with the Trinity Biotech Meritas® POC Analyzer…

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The Meritas® cTnI test is a single use, rapid one-step fluorescence immunoassay for in vitro quantitative determination of cTnI in EDTA anticoagulated human whole blood and plasma specimens. Meritas® cTnI test can both be used as an aid in the diagnosis of MI but also for risk stratification of patients with MI in respect to their relative risk of mortality. The test is to be used with the Trinity Biotech Meritas® POC Analyzer.
First and only true POC test able to provide results consistent with the Third Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction
< 10% CV at the 99th percentile Upper Reference Limit (URL)
Enables compliance to the NACB Troponin recommended turnaround time of 30 minutes
Top laboratory quality at the POC
No lengthy wait for lab results
Triage patients quicker than before
Send healthy patients home without needless delay
Admit patients to get proper treatment earlier
Maximize the use of resources and hospital beds on only those in need of care
Reduce ED overcrowding