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Micropore AXF-Pathfinder compact integrated crossflow DOE device

Micropore TechnologiesAvailable: Worldwide

The AXF-Pathfinder is a benchtop system, based on Micropore’s well-established AXF-mini crossflow nano/micro-mixing device, which generates high throughput formulation development samples using an intuitive software platform to deliver DOE samples into a standard multi-well plate.  The system benefits from the AXF-mini’s extremely low internal volume to minimize waste both during start-up and during operation.  Start-up waste…

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The AXF Pathfinder is constructed of 316L stainless steel and requires no consumables except for PTFE O-rings and is controlled through a single software application installed on the control PC. This enables the sharing of data, on-screen and in real-time, with colleagues through MS Team or similar. The AXF Pathfinder has been designed so that operation is as intuitive as possible, minimizing the need for extensive training.

There are a number of pre-set operating conditions, but the AXF Pathfinder also allows the user to set their own operating parameters. A cleaning cycle is also included.

There are two principal modes of operation for sample collection – ‘Discover’ mode and ‘Develop’ mode.

  • Discover mode minimizes the amount of waste material generated during an initial formulation development and analysis phase. The typical sample size can be around 400 μL.
  • Develop mode enables larger samples for in-depth analysis and in vitro and in vivo studies. Individual samples size can be up to 20 mL.

More cost-efficient micro mixing

Micropore’s AXF technology delivers particle size control in a gentle, low-shear process that preserves sensitive actives, like RNA, while keeping the narrow, controlled size distributions & PDI’s as you scale up. Combined with its minimal hold-up volumes, AXF devices offer significant cost efficiency over alternative technologies by minimizing the waste of expensive ingredients.

The AXF-PathfinderTM is the first unit in a platform that can be effortlessly scaled from discovery all the way to GMP manufacturing

Micropore’s AXFTM platform enables the creation of micro and nano-spheres, emulsions, and crystals with a very narrow size distribution from as small as 35nm, with a reliable, cost-effective, low-shear technology that can be scaled seamlessly from lab bench to GMP manufacturing plant, significantly accelerating the efficiency of nanomedicine development.

  • Narrow particle size distribution (typical CV~10%)
  • Significant reduction in waste preserving costly reagents.
  • Preservation of biological activity of biomolecules after encapsulation
  • No moving parts, intuitive, easy to use and to maintain

An inherently less destructive formulation technology, operating at low pressure (requiring typically 85% lower energy than alternative technologies), independent research at the University of Strathclyde in Scotland led by Dr. Yvonne Perrie has demonstrated that Micropore’s AXF™ devices deliver no detectable degradation to mRNA, which is widely acknowledged to be very sensitive to energy inputs and particularly so for the larger oligonucleotides like saRNA.

Regulatory Compliance

The AXFTM platform was designed to enable the clinical and commercial manufacturing of genomic medicines. The AXF-pathfinder unit is manufactured under a Quality Management System certified to ISO9001 and Micropore Technologies has an established track record of providing timely support to help our customers meet country- or region-specific regulatory requirements needs.

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