Products & ReviewLife Sciences

Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Detection Kit

The Mitochondrial membrane potential detection kit uses a unique fluorescent cationic dye, JC-1, to signal the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. In healthy non-apoptotic cells, the dye stains the mitochondria bright red.  Detect the loss in mitochondrial membrane potential - Early indicator of cellular apoptosis  Convenient kit format  Use with flow cytometer, fluorescence plate reader, fluorescence microscope

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The Mitochondrial membrane potential detection kit uses a unique fluorescent cationic dye, JC-1, to signal the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. In healthy non-apoptotic cells, the dye stains the mitochondria bright red.

  • Detect the loss in mitochondrial membrane potential - Early indicator of cellular apoptosis
  • Convenient kit format
  • Use with flow cytometer, fluorescence plate reader, fluorescence microscope

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