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MultiCheck™ QC tools for GLP/GMP labs

Tecan’s MultiCheck QC plate, MultiCheck software and IQ/OQ documentation provide a complete solution for periodic function checks of Tecan microplate readers. 

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The MultiCheck Quality Control package is an efficient, cost-effective solution for users to verify the correct functionality of all major components and key measurement modes of Tecan microplate readers in a wide range of laboratory settings.

Different versions of the MultiCheck package are available for the Infinite® F50 absorbance reader, Infinite 200 PRO series, Infinite F500 and Infinite M1000 PRO – as well as the Spark® series of multimode readers – allowing you to perform checks daily, weekly, monthly or annually according to your needs. After each measurement, a report file is generated showing the test assessments. For fast and simple operation, the MultiCheck plates use solid samples, eliminating tedious preparation and pipetting of test liquids.

MultiCheck offers periodic function checks for key parameters, including:
• fluorescence – linearity, precision, signal-to-blank
• fluorescence polarization
• precision time-resolved fluorescence – lag time check
• excitation and emission wavelength check
• absorbance (NIST traceable) – accuracy, linearity, precision
• luminescence – crosstalk, lumi-scan
• temperature check
• optical alignment for all basic detection modes
• injectors – positioning

The MultiCheck software compiles information on who performed what, and when each step was carried out. This information is stored in a log file and is readily available for use in Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) protocols.

MultiCheck is an easy-to-use walkaway solution. The user simply inserts the MultiCheck plate into the microplate carrier of the detection system, enters its serial number and clicks START. All measurements and calculations are automatically performed by the MultiCheck QC software, and a report file showing a summary of the assessment and detailed results generated. NIST traceability is provided for each absorbance reference on the MultiCheck QC plate, guaranteeing the highest level of quality control. Annual recalibration of the MultiCheck QC plate ensures the consistency and accuracy of reference values.

Product Overview
