Products & Review
OligoAnalyzer™ 3.1
Integrated DNA Technologies Inc.Available: Worldwide
Understand the expected behavior of your oligos before you order them.
Great online chat for questions and concerns. Very knowledgeable.
Application Area:
Fluorescent dna functionalization
Excellent customer service and easy to follow instructions with custom oligios
Review Date: 15 Nov 2017 | Integrated DNA Technologies Inc.
The complementary sequence to the entered oligonucleotide, which is shown in 5' to 3' orientation and in DNA format. Modifications are ignored when the complementary base is determined. However, for modifications that are native base analogs, the complementary base is the native base. Complementary base to inosine is cytosine.
To use Custom Mixed Bases
- Enter the desired percentage of each base (Integers Only, Totaling 100%).
- Press 'Use Mix Base' button to add your custom mixed base.