Ovation® SoLo RNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit
Flexible end-to-end library preparation solution producing strand specific, rRNA depleted libraries from 10 pg to 10 ng of total RNA or cell lysates from 1-500 cells

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Disappointing replacement of a highly effective kit.
Low input Stranded total RNA-seq library prep kit
This kit replaced NuGEN's single cell RNA-seq kit. Unfortunately this new kit is far more time consuming, cumbersome, and data output can be problematic. Having to perform additional qPCR on every project plus on each individual libraries makes the prep too long for any level of reasonable throughput. While our libraries looked identical to the manual, several samples performed so poorly that it caused a failure in the entire sequencing run. Customer service was not particularly helpful and wanted to blame over amplification which would have impacted all samples equally but only certain samples were problems. Customer service also indicated that the library profiles were not normal, while the manual shows the exact same profile. Gives the impression that even the company does not understand how the protocol works.
Review Date: 7 Dec 2018 | NuGEN
The Ovation® SoLo RNA-Seq System for ultra-low input or single cell RNA sequencing is a flexible end-to-end library preparation solution producing strand specific, rRNA depleted libraries from 10 pg to 10 ng of total RNA or cell lysates from 1-500 cells. Utilizing the highly flexible and customizable AnyDeplete (formerly known as InDA-C) technology, this ultra-low input RNA-Seq kit offers depletion of rRNA and other high-abundant transcripts to increase the dynamic range, reduce sequencing costs, and simplify data analysis.
Sample types include purified RNA or lysates from cell lines including single cells, fresh or FFPE tissue, liquid biopsy, cell-free RNA and other ultra-low input RNA samples.