Products & ReviewClinical Diagnostics

Oxytocin ELISA Kits for Depression Research

Oxytocin ELISA Kit Wako is an ELISA kit that can determine the amount of oxytocin in a sample. It overcomes issues with conventional oxytocin assays, since sample pretreatment simply requires mixing, stirring, and centrifuging of reagents, and the minimum sample amount required is 50 μL.

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FujiFilm Wako Chemicals Europe GmbH

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  • Easy-to-use pretreatment. Sample pretreatment requires simply adding pretreatment solutions, stirring, and centrifuging. A C18 column and organic solvent are not required.
  • Can be assayed with a tiny sample volume
    Minimum sample amount required is 50 μL (n=1).
  • Short assay time
    Assay time is approximately 2.5 hours. Pretreatment can be done in approximately 30 minutes.
  • Can be used with a variety of samples
    Human saliva/urine/serum/plasma
    Mouse or rat serum/plasma

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