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Pepsin from porcine gastric mucosa

Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, GermanyAvailable: Worldwide

powder, 250 units/mg solid  

Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany

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Pepsin is a peptidase used to digest proteins and is commonly used in the preparation of Fab fragments from antibodies. Pepsin, from porcine gastric mucosa, has been used to hydrolyze dry cervical samples in mice. Product P7000 is provided as a powder and has been used to treat epithelial cells from a single feline mammary carcinoma.

The enzyme from Sigma has been used to simulate in vitro gastric digestion of cooked cod.[4] It has been used to simulate in vitro gastric digestion of cocoa mass and supplemented dietary fiber. It has also been used to increase the fraction of extractable soluble collagen and to lower the immunogenicity of the resulting collagen from bovine dermal tissue.

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