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PFAS Reference Materials

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Dr Ehrenstorfer has decades of experience in developing quality accredited reference materials that enable laboratories to keep pace with fast-changing regulations. It constantly adds new relevant mixtures and compounds to its portfolio to address both complex, real-world analysis problems and the latest regulatory requirements. Dr Ehrenstorfer PFAS reference materials are certificated to ISO 17034 and/or ISO/IEC 17025 are available in neat, single and mixture formats – all of which are designed to give you certainty in your analysis.

Dr Ehrenstorfer - A complete portfolio of ready-to-use mixtures specifically designed to address key regulations for testing PFAS.

DRE-A30000051MW EU Drinking Water Directive PFAS Mixture 10 µg/mL in Methanol:Water

DRE-A50000753MW EPA Method 1633 PFAS Mixture 10 µg/mL in Methanol:Water

DRE-A50000754MW UCMR 5 PFAS Mixture 10 µg/mL in Methanol:Water

DRE-A50000751MW EPA Method 533 PFAS Mixture 10 µg/mL in Methanol:Water

DRE-A50000152MW EPA Method 537.1 PFAS Mixture 100 µg/mL in Methanol:Water

DRE-A50000647MW PFASiMix 100 µg/mL in Methanol:Water

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