ProWeigh Filters for TSS
ProWeigh® filters from Environmental Express are a time-saving, convenient and accurate way to perform Total Suspended Solids. By eliminating all the required filter preparation steps necessary for solids determination, the hands-on time required for performing TSS is reduced by half. The 20th edition of Standard Methods, the definitive book of water and wastewater test methods, lists ProWeighs from Environmental Express by na…
Depended upon to meet our large sample volume
Total suspended solids
The preweighed filters save us a tremendous amount of time. The weights are very accurate, accurate enough for us to use these for our permit samples. The bar codes easily scan into our LIMS system so there are no typos by human error.
Review Date: 11 Apr 2019
These filters make the analysis of suspended solids so much faster. They eliminate all possible error in the filter preparation stage.
Review Date: 25 May 2011
ProWeigh® filters from Environmental Express are a time-saving, convenient and accurate way to perform Total Suspended Solids. By eliminating all the required filter preparation steps necessary for solids determination, the hands-on time required for performing TSS is reduced by half.
The 20th edition of Standard Methods, the definitive book of water and wastewater test methods, lists ProWeighs from Environmental Express by name. Method 2540C, Total Dissolved Solids Dried at 180°C; Method 2540D, Total Suspended Solids Dried at 103-105°C; and Method 2540E, Fixed and Volatile Solids Ignited at 550°C all specifically list ProWeighs as an acceptable filter. ProWeighs were approved for use by the Standard Methods committee in 1997. To use ProWeighs, simply remove one from its pan, place it on a filter funnel and filter your sample. After filtration is complete place the ProWeigh filter back in its pan and dry in an oven for the final weight determination. All the washing, drying and preweighing is done for you.
All ProWeigh filters are vacuum rinsed with three aliquots of deionized water. This step removes any loose fibers which could affect the filter's constant weight. The filters are then dried at 105°C in mechanical convection ovens, cooled and dessicated for 24 hours.
Filters are weighed on electronic analytical balance to the nearest 0.1mg. Balances are self-calibrating and are checked with in-house Class S weights. Our balances are also routinely certified by an outside party. A copy of the balance certification is included in each box of ProWeighs.
ProWeighs are supplied in individual aluminum pans labeled with the weight of the filter affixed with a Mylar label. In addition to the filter weight, the label also displays an individual sample number. This information is also shown in a 128 bar code format. Our automatic labeling system prevents the transcription errors that can occur in the laboratory.