QuickTrace® M-8000 CVAF Mercury Analyzer
The QuickTrace® M-8000 Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence (CVAF) Mercury Analyzer is ideal for ultra-trace to sub-mg/L mercury quantitation. It easily achieves the ultra-trace mercury detection limit of 400 μg/L in a research or industrial setting without dilution. The QuickTrace® M-8000 Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence mercury analyzer is ideal for ultra-trace to sub-mg/L mercury quantitation. This analyzer easily achieves t…
Quick and accurate result
Fishery product
Accurate result
Review Date: 10 Dec 2023 | Teledyne Labs
Dependable Workhorse.
Mercury Analysis
Straight forward installation. Paired with Cetac's ASXpress reduced sample analysis time to 90s/sample. GLS much improved over competitors' systems, much-improved washout, and reduced carry over. Liked it so much that we purchased two of them! Switch over to Gold-Trap straight-forward and fast. Requires 10 mL of sample for standard CVAF and 40 mL for Gold Trap CVAF.
Review Date: 25 Mar 2022 | Teledyne Labs
Dependable workhorse.
Mercury Analysis
Straightforward installation. Paired with Cetac's ASXpress reduced sample analysis time to 90s/sample. GLS much improved over competitors' systems, much-improved washout, and reduced carry over. Liked it so much we purchased two of them! Switch over to Gold-Trap straight-forward and fast. Requires 10 mL of sample for standard CVAF and 40 mL for Gold Trap CVAF.
Review Date: 25 Mar 2022 | Teledyne Labs
Great results and save time and save money
Analyse Hg in tissue samples, so easy to operate and results obtained are with high reproducibility
Very easy to use and high accuracy and reproducibility of data. Time to analyse one sample is less and opration is very easy.
Review Date: 15 Nov 2021 | Teledyne Labs
Amazingly accurate and precise results.
Analyzing water and tissue samples formercury
QuickTrace M-8000 Mercury Analyzer allows us to run tests for mercury at ultra low levels with an amazing level of accuracy and precision. That's the "WOW" factor of the M-8000.
Review Date: 24 Jun 2020 | Teledyne Labs
Tech support is great.
Low level Hg
Ease of ordering consumables. No service required in 7 years. Tech support is great. It's also possible to do maintenance on your own.
Review Date: 12 Mar 2020 | Teledyne Labs
No downtime in 7 years!
Hg testing
I love the ease of use with this instrument. It is very reliable - no downtime in 7 years! Software is very user friendly and intuitive. Phone support is very responsive.
Review Date: 12 Mar 2020 | Teledyne Labs
Very sensitive, but washout times can be long
Mercury analysis in dietary supplements
Uses ALOT of fluids. A bit cumbersome to set up each day, but once all setup it can analyze dozens of samples automatically. There's a lot of detector quenching, so an extremely small sample quantity is needed (for our purposes <30mg). It takes awhile to setup the mercury washout time to clear Hg from all the lines. Overall, an extremely sensitive instrument.
Review Date: 6 Mar 2020 | Teledyne Labs
Minor performance problems, but still a workhorse.
Analyze water for low level Hg
Although this is a fine instrument, one of the instruments which it replaced, the Leeman AF gold plus, produced better results in my opinion. This instrument is also high biased yet not enough to cause any QCs to go out of control. The software is surprisingly straightforward and my wish list for improving the software would be very very short. Very little to no drift over a day long run. Recommended.
Review Date: 30 Apr 2019 | Teledyne Labs
The QuickTrace® M-8000 Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence (CVAF) Mercury Analyzer is ideal for ultra-trace to sub-mg/L mercury quantitation.
It easily achieves the ultra-trace mercury detection limit of < 0.05 ng/L demanded by customers employing EPA method 1631. The QuickTrace® M-8000 is also versatile enough to analyze samples > 400 μg/L in a research or industrial setting without dilution.
The QuickTrace® M-8000 Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence mercury analyzer is ideal for ultra-trace to sub-mg/L mercury quantitation. This analyzer easily achieves the ultra-trace mercury detection limit of < 0.05 ng/L demanded by customers employing EPA method 1631. The QuickTrace® M-8000 is also versatile enough to analyze samples > 400 μg/L without dilution.
- U.S. EPA 1631 and U.S. EPA 245.7 compliant
- European standard EN-13506 and EN-12338 compatible
- Full computer control of instrument parameters
- Patented non-foaming gas liquid separator (GLS)
- Reagent saving gold trap stand-by routine
- GLS overflow protection
- Detector saturation prevention combined with "Smart Rinse" - prevents carry over for high concentration samples
- Ozone free low vapor pressure mercury excitation lamp
- Smart rack technology
- Filtered photo multiplier tube (PMT) detection system
- Maintenance free Nafion® dryer
- Universal power supplies
- Analyze samples with or without assistance of an autosampler
- Optional autosamplers (Manual - no autosampler, ASX-260, ASX-520) autosamplers combined with powerful customizable software can process up to 10 standard/QC solutions and 84-50 ml sample/QC solutions in a single unattended run. We do not limit the number of QC samples or positions
- Automatic end of run standby routines
- Powder coated metal construction
- 12 roller 4 channel peristaltic pump
- Sample volume 0.5 ml to > 50 ml
- High capacity mode of < 60 seconds per sample
- Intuitive QuickTrace® software with built-in calibration, report generation and quality control features designed to make EPA compliance simple