Products & ReviewLife Sciences
Rapid ID panels
Same day results — Gram Negative (Gram Neg) and Positive Identification (ID) by 2.5 hours
A definitive identification (ID) in as little as 2.5 hours coupled with your hospital antibiogram provides rapid empiric therapy guidance. A good choice for common, high volume, gram-negative organisms – MicroScan Rapid panels achieve same day turnaround time for routine isolates. Features:
- Testing of pre-formed enzymes using ID-only identification formats results in actionable, accurate identification results by 2.5 hours for clinically significant gram-negative and gram-positive organisms
- Automated processing by WalkAway Systems reduce techologist time
- Achieve optimal performance through turbidity method inoculation
- Room temperature storage with 1-year stability for Rapid Pos ID 2 and Rapid Neg ID 4 panels offers storage convenience. Other ID-only formats require refrigeration