Products & ReviewLife Sciences
Rat Genome CGH Microarrays
The Agilent Rat Genome CGH Microarray is a dual color array containing 60-mer oligonucleotide probes synthesized in situ using Agilent’s inkjet SurePrint technology. It provides comprehensive coverage of rat genome, including coding and non-coding regions with emphasis on known genes.
The Agilent Rat Genome CGH Microarray is a dual color array containing 60-mer oligonucleotide probes synthesized in situ using Agilent’s inkjet SurePrint technology. It provides comprehensive coverage of rat genome, including coding and non-coding regions with emphasis on known genes.
- SurePrint G3 probes annotated against NCBI Build 37 (UCSC mm9, July 2007)
- SurePrint HD probes annotated against NCBI Build 36 (UCSC mm8, February 2006)
- Probe design and selection have been carefully optimized and validated for maximal sensitivity and specificity
- New CGH Enzymatic Labeling Kit Protocol v.7.5. For use with:
- SureTag Complete DNA Labeling Kit (5190-4240)
- SureTag DNA Labeling Kit (5190-3400)
For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.