Products & ReviewLife Sciences
SignalScout PTP-N5 Hmn Phosphatase Clone
The SignalScout collection of phosphatase reagents includes the largest collection of human phosphatase expression clones and substrate trapping mutant expression clones. Largest collection of active phosphatase enzymes, human phosphatase expression clones, and substrate trapping mutant expression clones Purified GST-tagged active phosphatases for in vitro assay studies Protein tyrosine, lipid, and dual specificity pho…
The SignalScout collection of phosphatase reagents includes the largest collection of human phosphatase expression clones and substrate trapping mutant expression clones.
- Largest collection of active phosphatase enzymes, human phosphatase expression clones, and substrate trapping mutant expression clones
- Purified GST-tagged active phosphatases for in vitro assay studies
- Protein tyrosine, lipid, and dual specificity phosphatases available
- in vivo mammalian phosphatase expression
- Triple c-myc tagged enzymes
- Substrate Trapping Expression Clones are mutated to retain specific binding activity but lacking catalytic activity
- Trapping mutants are c-myc labeled