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StatSoft's flagship product line is the STATISTICA suite of analytics software products. STATISTICA provides the most comprehensive array of data analysis, data management, data visualization and data mining procedures. Its techniques include the widest selection of predictive modeling, clustering, classification and exploratory techniques in one software platform. STATISTICA analytic capabilities are complemented by a host of…

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StatSoft's flagship product line is the STATISTICA suite of analytics software products. STATISTICA provides the most comprehensive array of data analysis, data management, data visualization and data mining procedures. Its techniques include the widest selection of predictive modeling, clustering, classification and exploratory techniques in one software platform.

STATISTICA analytic capabilities are complemented by a host of unique features, including:

• Database Querying
• Data Visualization
• Automation using STATISTICA Visual Basic
• Full integration with the R language

Graphics facilities in STATISTICA combine an extremely wide selection of scientific and technical charts (featuring built-in analytic facilities) with customization, drawing, and multigraphics management capabilities that are usually found only in designated presentation graphics and drawing programs. STATISTICA offers hundreds of types of 2- and 3-dimensional graphical displays, including 2- and 3-dimensional ternary graphs, special 4-dimensional graphs, multidimensional graphs, categorized multigraphs, matrices of graphs, icons, tessellations, spectral 2- and 3-dimensional graphs, compound graphs, and many other specialized procedures. Also, flexible and very easy to use facilities are provided to custom design completely new types of graphs and add them permanently to the menu or floating toolbars.

Product Overview
