Products & ReviewLife Sciences

SurePAGE™ Bis-Tris Precast Gel

SurePAGE™ Bis-Tris gels are high-performance precast mini polyacrylamide gels that are designed to separate a wide range of protein sizes by electrophoresis in as fast as 20 minutes. SurePAGE gels have a unique large well that can accomodate up to 80 ul sample per well. The gels are cast in a neutral pH buffer that minimizes polyacrylamide hydrolysis and increases gel stability.

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SurePAGE Offerings:

SurePAGE comes with gradient gels and fixed concentration gels:

  • 4-20%, 4-12% and 8-16% for gradient gels
  • 8%,10%,12% and 15% for fixed concentration gels

Gel Tank

GenScript's high quality mini gels generate the best electrophoresis performance with GenBox Mini Tank and are also compatible with other popular mini electrophoresis tanks.

Product Overview
