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Syft SafetySure

Syft SafetySure is a class-leading solution for rapid, reliable detection of fumigants and volatile toxic industrial chemicals in workplace settings. It provides reproducible identification and quantification of hazardous chemicals commonly found in workplaces such as methyl bromide, sulfuryl fluoride, chloropicrin, ethylene dibromide, ethylene oxide and phosphine.

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Syft SafetySure is a class-leading solution for rapid, reliable detection of fumigants and volatile toxic industrial chemicals in workplace settings. It provides reproducible identification and quantification of hazardous chemicals commonly found in workplaces such as methyl bromide, sulfuryl fluoride, chloropicrin, ethylene dibromide, ethylene oxide and phosphine. Syft SafetySure is optimized to detect compounds of interest within the relevant concentration ranges of their short-term exposure and longer-term time weighted average limits. Unambiguous results are provided so immediate action can be taken.

Syft SafetySure Benefits to Container Safety:

  • Comprehensive, integrated trace fumigant and toxic industrial chemical (TIC) detection solution
  • Ease of operation with push-button simplicity and safe/unsafe answers
  • Detection of trace residues on surfaces using the Swab Desorber accessory
  • Real-time on-site analysis with laboratory-grade results;
  • Designed and engineered for use in industrial environments
  • Instantaneous broad-spectrum identification and quantitation of diverse toxic chemicals

Product Overview
