SYNpowerpro 300
Electrophoresis power supply

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The SYNpowerpro 300 is a versatile multi-function power supply suitable for a wide range of electrophoresis applications. At 300V, 700mA and 150W the SYNpowerpro 300 has nearly twice the current and power of the market leading equivalent unit. Perfectly suited for use with Syngene’s SynMini, SynMidi, SynChoice, SynMaxi range of horizontal electrophoresis systems and SynPAGE Mini vertical electrophoresis systems.
The SYNpowerpro 300 even has built in pre-set protocols from running each of Syngene’s electrophoresis systems, and allows users to create and save protocols for their own systems. A 2.4” TFT-LCD Screen displays the current running parameters and allows the user to browse pre-set and saved protocols.
The SYNpowerpro 300 can be operated at constant voltage, constant current or constant power and can store up to 30 programmes with up to 6 steps each. The convenient pause/resume key allows any run to be temporarily halted for inspection of the gel and restarted from the same position. The SYNpowerpro 300 is the ideal power supply for routine horizontal electrophoresis using SynMini, SynMidi, SynMaxi, SynChoice and vertical electrophoresis using SynPAGE Mini.