Products & ReviewSeparations

Thermo Scientific™ EASY-Spray™ Nano Emitter (10 μm, without transfer line)

Thermo Fisher ScientificIQLAALGABXFANUMBBFAvailable: Worldwide

Connect your nano or capillary column to your Thermo Scientific™ mass spectrometers (MS) more easily using Thermo Scientific™ EASY-Spray™ Nano & Capillary Emitters. The nano and capillary emitters act as a column-independent sprayer, allowing the introduction of low flow from nano and capillary columns without troublesome handling of traditional spray needles. There are two versions of emitters available: with and without int…

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Connect your nano or capillary column to your Thermo Scientific™ mass spectrometers (MS) more easily using Thermo Scientific™ EASY-Spray™ Nano & Capillary Emitters. The nano and capillary emitters act as a column-independent sprayer, allowing the introduction of low flow from nano and capillary columns without troublesome handling of traditional spray needles. There are two versions of emitters available: with and without integrated transfer lines. These sprayers are ideal for protein and peptide separation using nano and capillary HPLC.

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