Thermo Scientific™ Environmental Chambers
Built to ICH standards, Thermo's Forma Environmental chambers have a decades-long reputation for reliability and performance. Whether your application is drug, packaging, or cosmetics stability, materials stress testing, or refrigerated culture, the 3940 series can be configured to meet your requirements. With a wide range of accessories, and years of experience in constructing cabinets for one-off applications, we can even h…

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Excellent equipment you can trust.
Aging studies
The way the equipment performs is amazing. You can leave your samples inside and be sure the Enviromental Chamber will keep running for a 24/7 task. The equipment is built to last many years.
Review Date: 25 Apr 2020 | Thermo Fisher Scientific
Great results, glad we have it!
Temperature cycling
We have received accurate, and repeatable results from using this equipment.
Review Date: 24 Jun 2019 | Thermo Fisher Scientific
Built to ICH standards, Thermo's Forma Environmental chambers have a decades-long reputation for reliability and performance. Whether your application is drug, packaging, or cosmetics stability, materials stress testing, or refrigerated culture, the 3940 series can be configured to meet your requirements. With a wide range of accessories, and years of experience in constructing cabinets for one-off applications, we can even handle difficult applications that most manufacturers won't do.
Product detail:
Thermo's wide range of environmental chambers are ideal for growth, stability, and shelf-life testing applications. These durable cabinets feature true laminar airflow through side plenums for extremely tight uniformity. Wide temperature and humidity ranges* enhance the flexibility of the unit, together with a phenolic coated evaporator, for use in applications that create corrosive by-products. Sophisticated digital controls offer programmable ramp and soak cycles for temperature and RH*, and allow the user to manually control defrost and refrigeration cycles.