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Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ ROSS Ultra™ Refillable pH/ATC Triode™ Combination Electrodes for Orion Series Meters

Thermo Fisher ScientificAvailable: Worldwide

Measure biological media, pharmaceuticals, foods and more with Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ ROSS Ultra™ Refillable pH/ATC Triode™ Combination Electrodes. They are ideal for any application where the use of metallic reference electrodes would contaminate the samples. ROSS Ultra pH/ATC electrodes offer more flexibility, accuracy and precision for your pH measurement needs. With built-in temperature sensors, these electrodes offer…

Thermo Fisher Scientific

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For more than 40 years, long-lasting ROSS electrodes have been helping to provide accuracy, stability and rapid response. Compared to conventional electrodes, the proven ROSS reference system exhibits stability in measurements, faster response, greater accuracy and precision when measuring samples that vary in temperature, or when calibrating in temperatures that differ from your samples.

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