Products & ReviewLife Sciences

Total RNA, K-562 Cells

MVP RNA is application-ready RNA available in small economical pack sizes. Extensive and rigorous quality control including many application specific assays provides assurance that the RNA is intact, full-length and nearly DNA-free.  Extensive quality control ensures high-quality, pure RNA  Eliminates tedious, time consuming RNA isolation procedures  Application ready for real time RT-PCR, miRNA detection and Northern blo…

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Agilent Technologies

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MVP RNA is application-ready RNA available in small economical pack sizes. Extensive and rigorous quality control including many application specific assays provides assurance that the RNA is intact, full-length and nearly DNA-free.

  • Extensive quality control ensures high-quality, pure RNA
  • Eliminates tedious, time consuming RNA isolation procedures
  • Application ready for real time RT-PCR, miRNA detection and Northern blot analysis
  • Small, economically priced and convenient 25 µg pack sizes
  • Matched sets of normal and diseased tissue from the same donor
  • Well-documented donor, tissue pathology information

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