Products & ReviewSeparations

Ultra IBD, 3 µm, 100 x 2.1 mm HPLC column

Restek Corp.9175312Available: Worldwide

Specialized Columns for Mixed Polar and Nonpolar Compounds.

Restek Corp.

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The Ultra line represents Restek’s broadest selection of stationary phases on a single silica support. Made of high-purity, type-B silica that minimizes activity and creates high-density bonding, these columns are designed for selective and reliable HPLC applications.

The Restek IBD is a polar-embedded column that acts as a strong hydrogen bonder and may be the most versatile column available today. With a unique polar group, this column is very retentive and selective for acids. It also provides symmetrical peak shape for strong bases. Restek’s IBD is compatible with 100% aqueous mobile phases and can be used under reversed-phase or HILIC conditions to retain very polar, ionic compounds in highly organic mobile phases.

Stationary Phase Category: polar-embedded alkyl (L68)
Ligand Type: proprietary polar functional embedded alkyl
Particle: 3 µm or 5 µm, spherical
Pore Size: 100 Å
Carbon Load: 12%
End-Cap: no
Surface Area: 300 m2/g
pH Range: 2.5 to 8
Maximum Temperature: 80 °C

Product Overview
