Products & ReviewClinical Diagnostics

Ultrarapid Whole Genome Sequencing

Revvity Ultrarapid Whole Genome Sequencing: Get a final report for urWGS in just 5 days!


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Revvity Omics is proud to be among the first laboratories to provide whole genome sequencing as a clinical service to benefit its clients and patients. Its whole genome sequencing test offers top-quality standards and quick turnaround times. It outperforms exome sequencing tests in terms of both service and data comprehensiveness, covering over 99% of the exome. Revvity Omics' test provides industry-leading results while maintaining a competitive turnaround time.

Its comprehensive Ultrarapid Whole Genome Sequencing (urWGS) offers a range of features, including mitochondrial genome sequencing, biochemical testing, cCMV analysis, CNV detection, and more. With a turnaround time of 5 days and flexible sample types, the Revvity Omics service is a convenient and efficient option for your needs.

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