Vertus Plus - Shake and Fire with Automatic Shot Weight for pMDIs
Flexible bench top automation Vertus Plus is a pMDI shake and fire system designed for everyday use on a lab bench. It builds on the original Vertus shake and fire system to provide an improved user experience. It combines precisely controlled and repeatable operation with the flexibility to perform any industry standard pMDI shake and fire test method while collecting shot weight data. Convenient and intuitive The Ve…
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Very efficient tools for the MDI
MDI sample preparation
Very efficient tools for the MDI, DPI and nasal spray sample preparation
Review Date: 20 Dec 2018 | Novi Systems Ltd
Great Instrument
Vertus Plus is a pMDI shake and fire system designed for everyday use on a lab bench.
It is a very simple instrument to handle multiple testing of pMDI. Highly recommended for those companies who are manufacturing pMDIs. More over this instrument is very much customizable to cater to user specific requirement. With the same instrument nasal spray can also be tested.
Review Date: 16 Apr 2018 | Novi Systems Ltd
Flexible bench top automation
Vertus Plus is a pMDI shake and fire system designed for everyday use on a lab bench. It builds on the original Vertus shake and fire system to provide an improved user experience. It combines precisely controlled and repeatable operation with the flexibility to perform any industry standard pMDI shake and fire test method while collecting shot weight data.
Convenient and intuitive
The Vertus Plus has a fully integrated five decimal place Mettler Toledo analytical balance. The result is a system that collects shot weight data automatically, without the interaction of an analyst. This provides a wealth of possibilities for increasing throughput and reliability of testing whilst radically reducing the analysts workload for weighing operations.
With the ability to fit Novi’s DUSA stack and to create multi-step methods as on Vertus II, it offers sophisticated automated routines such as shot-weight studies and through-life DCU testing which can be launched at the touch of a button. The Vertus Plus is a powerful lab bench-top system.
The Vertus Plus has many optional features that can be added to provide additional convenience. Further functions to measure and record regulatory-approved test methods as required by a particular application.
Features include:
- Internal airflow generation with automatic control and measurement
- Automatic leak test
- Monitor and record temperature and RH
- Electronic Records/Electronic Signatures compliance
- LIMS link
- Novi DUSA Stack