Vesicle Prep Pro
The Vesicle Prep Pro is a stand-alone workstation for the automated preparation of solvent-free giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs). The GUVs are formed by means of electro-swelling, ranging from 1 - 30 µm in diameter.
Vesicle PrepPro became a very often-using routine lab equipment.
Liposomes formation for drug screening
Very user-friendly compact equipment, giving the opportunity to form GUVs from both single lipids and phospholipids mixtures. It is perfectly work in tandem with patch-clump and also for any other experimental approach (like as lipid raft visualization by two-photon exitation microscopy). The price is also quite reasonable.
Review Date: 4 Aug 2016 | Nanion Technologies GmbH
Giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) are an essential component of techniques used in the investigation of biophysical properties of e.g. lipid membranes, electrogenic transmembrane proteins, lipid raft formation, and lipid-DNA interactions. The Vesicle Prep Pro is an automated device for preparation of these GUVs. Solvent-free GUVs ranging from 1 – 30 µm in diameter are formed by means of electro-swelling (hydration of dry lipid film in an oscillating electric field).
The Vesicle Prep Pro offers a standardized and robust way to reliably and reproducibly generate GUVs of homogeneous size distribution with high yields. The chamber used for vesicle formation consists of two glass cover slides. The slides are coated with indium tin oxide (ITO) turning them into electrodes. This leaves the chamber transparent so that vesicle formation and growth can be monitored optically throughout the entire process. Integrated features, including flexible protocol design and temperature control, allow generation of GUVs from lipids with high charge or high phase transition temperature.
Integrated features, including flexible protocol design and temperature control, allow generation of GUVs from a wide variety of lipids, e.g. lipids with high charge or high phase transition temperatures. GUVs prepared with the Vesicle Prep Pro have proven ideal for investigations of biophysical properties of e.g. electrogenic transmembrane proteins, lipid raft formation, and protein-DNA interactions.
- GUVs of homogeneous size (1 - 30 μm in diameter)
- Temperature control
- Adjustable parameters (temperature; current amplitude; frequency)
- Variety of lipids can be used
- Ideal for bilayer recordings and protein measurements
- Stable and reproducible GUVs
- Reusable ITO slides