Products & ReviewLife Sciences

Vitality phrGFP-Perox Subcellular Vector

The hrGFP and hrGFP II family of vectors allow for expressed genes to be easily visualized using fluorescence microscopy or fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS).  Subcellular localization vectors  HA or FLAG® fusions along with hrGFP from the same mRNA transcript  Promoterless vector for promoter and promoter/enhancer studies  Retroviral supernatant and vector with hrGFP construct  High-level green fluorescence…

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The hrGFP and hrGFP II family of vectors allow for expressed genes to be easily visualized using fluorescence microscopy or fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS).

  • Subcellular localization vectors
  • HA or FLAG® fusions along with hrGFP from the same mRNA transcript
  • Promoterless vector for promoter and promoter/enhancer studies
  • Retroviral supernatant and vector with hrGFP construct
  • High-level green fluorescence is easy to detect
  • Brighter and less toxic than EGFP

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