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Zebron™ ZB-SemiVolatiles GC columns

A New Generation of Performance for Semi-Volatiles AnalysisZB-SemiVolatiles delivers inert, rugged performance with Enviro-Inert™ Technology enhanced 5% phenyl-arylene selectivity. We take the guesswork out of meeting method requirements - troublesome compounds in your samples and the 8270D tuning standard are used as our QC mix, so you can be sure your column is ready to meet suitability requirements for the method!5 Reasons…

Phenomenex Inc

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A New Generation of Performance for Semi-Volatiles Analysis

ZB-SemiVolatiles delivers inert, rugged performance with Enviro-Inert™ Technology enhanced 5% phenyl-arylene selectivity. We take the guesswork out of meeting method requirements - troublesome compounds in your samples and the 8270D tuning standard are used as our QC mix, so you can be sure your column is ready to meet suitability requirements for the method!

5 Reasons Chromatographers Love It

Delivers supreme inertness for acids, amines, and other notoriously active compounds

Hold calibrations and increase productivity up to 58%

Detect down to ultra-low levels (0.2 ng on-column)

Improve critical pair resolution (valley height 9.9% for benzo[b] and benzo[k])

The most popular choice for testing of semi-volatiles, PAHs, and PBDEs

Recommended Use

Semi-volatiles (SVOCs), PAHs, PBDEs, EPA Methods (525, 610, 625, 8100, 8270D)

Specifically Designed for Supreme SVOC Inertness

Product Overview
