ZEISS Cell Observer SD
Fast and Sensitive Confocal Imaging With Cell Observer SD, you have it all: The image quality of Axio Observer and Axio Examiner, spinning disk technology from Yokogawa CSU-X1 and dual camera technology of ZEN software. This symbiosis of optics, hardware and software in one system makes your confocal live cell imaging uniquely accurate: you control your Cell Observer SD precisely in the millisecond range. By streaming image da…
The system is versatile, very proof, flexible and easy to upgrade or modify.
Live cell imaging, image processing, cancer research, drug testing
Cell Observer SD is high-content automated microscope with Yokogawa Spinning disk. We purchased it to Astana (Kazakhstan) in 2013 and at that time it was high-end state of art. We load it 24/7 for 5 years but it is still online and gives perfect output. Literally it is all-in-one: you may do convenient wide field multiwell time records or collect high-resolution time-stacks. It is expensive toy so operator must hold graduate degree and adequate experience in imaging to perform best practices.
Review Date: 17 Jan 2019 | ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions
Biological sample imaging
It is really a robust microscope for imaging analysis of the live cells and also best for FRAP experiments.
Review Date: 14 Aug 2015 | ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions
Fast and Sensitive Confocal Imaging
With Cell Observer SD, you have it all: The image quality of Axio Observer and Axio Examiner, spinning disk technology from Yokogawa CSU-X1 and dual camera technology of ZEN software. This symbiosis of optics, hardware and software in one system makes your confocal live cell imaging uniquely accurate: you control your Cell Observer SD precisely in the millisecond range. By streaming image data, you will acquire your images in breathtakingly short times. You also document two fluorescence channels of your sensitive samples simultaneously and get even more valuable data.