ZEISS LSM 900 for Materials
Your Versatile Confocal Microscope for Advanced Imaging and Surface Topography.
Surface analysis in a fast and deep way
the product is used as laser confocal microscope for 3D profilometry and as fluorescent microscope
As optical profilometer, the microscope allows a very detailed investigation on a very wide range of surfaces, from rounghes between the tens and hundres of nanometers. it is easy to learn the basic features of the instrument. it is valuable aslo as fluorescent microscope, allowing the acquisition and analysis of samples with different colours. The program is quite intuitive and it allows very complicated analysis. The customer care is always fast in replying and the techinicians are very useful in solving problems. It has a very good price/quality ratio.
Review Date: 23 Jan 2023 | ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions
Good and high quality images
Review Date: 24 Mar 2022 | ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions
ZEISS LSM 900, the confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) from ZEISS, is the ideal instrument for materials analysis. Characterize 3D microstructures surfaces topography in your lab or multi-user facility. LSM 900 enables precise, three-dimensional imaging and analyses of nanomaterials, metals, polymers, and semiconductors. Extend your upright light microscope, ZEISS Axio Imager.Z2m or your inverted light microscope ZEISS Axio Observer 7, with a confocal scanning module. Combine all essential light microscopy contrasting techniques for materials with high precision topography. With no need to change microscopes, you’ll save time on set-up. Benefit from automated data acquisition and post-processing. Execute non-contact confocal imaging when evaluating surface roughness.