Drug discovery > Basic Research Products & Reviews

Products, services, reviews and techniques used in the preliminary investigations of the disease; the cell biology, genetics and protein pathways using tissue culture, cloning and imaging.

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Agilent Technologies



pET-11 a-d Expression System

Agilent Technologies

The pET E.coli expression system is a widely used in vivo bacterial expression system due to the strong selectivity of the bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase for its cognate promoter sequences, the high level of activity of the polymerase, and the high efficiency of translation mediated by the T7 gene.  Tightly controlled T7 RNA polymerase-based gene expression in     E.coli    High-level expression upon induction  Convenien…

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pET-3 a-d Expression system

Agilent Technologies

The pET E.coli expression system is a widely used in vivo bacterial expression system due to the strong selectivity of the bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase for its cognate promoter sequences, the high level of activity of the polymerase, and the high efficiency of translation mediated by the T7 gene.  Tightly controlled T7 RNA polymerase-based gene expression in     E.coli    High-level expression upon induction  Convenien…

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InterPlay Adenoviral C-Terminal TAP System

Agilent Technologies

The InterPlay adenoviral TAP System combines our unique tandem affinity purification (TAP) system with our exclusive adenoviral gene delivery system, the AdEasy Adenoviral Vector System for enhanced gene delivery to a broader range of mammalian cells, higher protein yields, and improved purification and analysis of endogenous interacting protein partners.

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InterPlay Adenoviral N-Terminal TAP System

Agilent Technologies

The InterPlay adenoviral TAP System combines our unique tandem affinity purification (TAP) system with our exclusive adenoviral gene delivery system, the AdEasy Adenoviral Vector System for enhanced gene delivery to a broader range of mammalian cells, higher protein yields, and improved purification and analysis of endogenous interacting protein partners.

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LacSwitch II Mammalian Expression System

Agilent Technologies

The LacSwitch II inducible mammalian expression system utilizes an improved vector system in which several elements of the lac operon have been modified for use in eukaryotic cells for the control of gene expression. The establishment of a highly regulated expression system in eukaryotic cells is an invaluable tool for the study of cell cycle, oncogenicity, cytogenicity, and the mechanisms of gene regulation.

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Taq Extender PCR Additive

Agilent Technologies

Taq Extender PCR additive improves the reliability and yield of conventional Taq-based PCR amplifications. Taq Extender additive increases the efficiency of Taq DNA polymerase extension reactions during each cycle of PCR by reducing mismatch pausing, resulting in a greater percentage of completed extension reactions.

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G418 Sulfate

Agilent Technologies

G418 blocks polypeptide synthesis by inhibiting the elongation step in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. G418 Sulfate is available as a crystalline solid or in aqueous sterile solution.

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Kit, Total RNA, Cervix, Human, 3 x 25 µg

Agilent Technologies

MVP RNA is application-ready RNA available in small economical pack sizes. Extensive and rigorous quality control including many application specific assays provides assurance that the RNA is intact, full-length and nearly DNA-free.  Extensive quality control ensures high-quality RNA  Eliminates tedious, time consuming RNA isolation procedures  Application ready for real time RT-PCR, miRNA detection and Northern blot anal…

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