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Agilent Technologies



pFB Vector

Agilent Technologies

The ViraPort retroviral gene expression system is a comprehensive line of gene delivery products providing transduction efficiencies approaching 100% in a wide range of mitotic cells.  Powerful system for functional cloning  Transduction efficiencies approach 100%  Copy number controlled by multiplicity of infection  Create high-titer retroviral virions for library screening

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pFB-ERV Vector

Agilent Technologies

pFB-ERV Vector is a receptor expression vector, part of the Complete Control Inducible Mammalian Expression System, designed to provide the tightest control of expression available in mammalian cells. The pFB-ERV vector was derived from the high-titer Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus (MoMLV) vector pFBNeo5 for efficient delivery of the ecdysone receptor proteins VgEcR and RXR.

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pFB-Neo Vector

Agilent Technologies

The ViraPort retroviral gene expression system is a comprehensive line of gene delivery products providing transduction efficiencies approaching 100% in a wide range of mitotic cells.

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pFB-Neo-LacZ Retroviral Vector

Agilent Technologies

The ViraPort retroviral gene expression system is a comprehensive line of gene delivery products providing transduction efficiencies approaching 100% in a wide range of mitotic cells.  Powerful system for functional cloning  Transduction efficiencies approach 100%  Copy number controlled by multiplicity of infection  Create high-titer retroviral virions for library screening

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pShuttle Vector

Agilent Technologies

Recombinant adenoviruses are a versatile tool for gene delivery and expression. Choose pAdEasy-1 vector or any of these three shuttle vectors, pShuttle, pShuttle-CMV, or pShuttle-CMV-lacZ vector, to clone DNA of interest with the AdEasy adenoviral vector system.

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pShuttle-CMV Vector

Agilent Technologies

Recombinant adenoviruses are a versatile tool for gene delivery and expression. Choose pAdEasy-1 vector or any of these three shuttle vectors, pShuttle, pShuttle-CMV, or pShuttle-CMV-lacZ vector, to clone DNA of interest with the AdEasy adenoviral vector system.   

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pShuttle-IRES-hrGFP-1 Vector

Agilent Technologies

Recombinant adenoviruses are a versatile tool for gene delivery and expression. Choose pAdEasy-1 vector or any of these three shuttle vectors, pShuttle, pShuttle-CMV, or pShuttle-CMV-lacZ vector, to clone DNA of interest with the AdEasy adenoviral vector system.

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pShuttle-IRES-hrGFP-2 Vector

Agilent Technologies

Recombinant adenoviruses are a versatile tool for gene delivery and expression. Choose pAdEasy-1 vector or any of these three shuttle vectors, pShuttle, pShuttle-CMV, or pShuttle-CMV-lacZ vector, to clone DNA of interest with the AdEasy adenoviral vector system. 

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pVPack-10A1 Vector

Agilent Technologies

The ViraPort retroviral gene expression system is a comprehensive line of gene delivery products providing transduction efficiencies approaching 100% in a wide range of mitotic cells.  

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