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Agilent Technologies



Agilent VnmrJ 4 NMR Software

Agilent Technologies

VnmrJ 4.0 makes sophisticated methods for studying biomolecular structure, dynamics, and interactions available to users at all skill levels. Spanning the entire range of tools for system administration, experimental setup, optimization, acquisition, and processing, VnmrJ provides each user with just the right tools needed to support their goals and level of expertise. Powerful core features make sophisticated solutions relia…

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LiChrospher Columns

Agilent Technologies

LiChrospher silica columns are made with spherical, 'sil' type porous silica particles. LiChrospher Columns Features: Available in 5 µm particle size Reversed-phase available in RP-C18, RP-18 Encapped, RP-8, RP-Select B, CN Normal-phase available in CN, Diol, NH2, Si Applications—Pharmaceuticals, aromatics LiChrospher RP-18—Spherical silica for acidic, neutral and basic compounds with great batch-to-batch reproduci…

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AssayMAP Peptide Sample Preparation

Agilent Technologies

The Agilent AssayMAP Peptide Sample Prep digests, cleans and optionally fractionates samples for peptide mapping and biomarker analysis workflows. The solution combines best-in-class automation and chromatographic methods to radically reduce variability and allow quick method development. C18, underivitized polystyrene and strong cation exchange resins are available for cleanup and fractionation.AssayMAP Peptide Sample Prepar…

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Agilent Technologies

The ZORBAX NH2 can be utilized for normal-phase and weak anion-exchange compounds and can separate vitamins, carbohydrates and sugars in the reversed-phase mode. The NH2 consists of a propyl-amino silane phase bonded to ZORBAX SIL. For normal-phase chromatography, the ZORBAX product line offers a choice of bonded and non-bonded silica packings. ZORBAX NH2 Features: Amino-propyl silane phase bonded to ZORBAX SIL Used for…

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Agilent Technologies

The ZORBAX RX-SIL is made from very pure porous silica microspheres and is useful for very hydrophilic compounds with high organic mobile phases. With low acidity and metal content the ZORBAX Rx-SIL is ideal for normal-phase separation of polar compounds that exhibit poor peak symmetry on more acidic silica. The ZORBAX Rx-SIL is also stronger than other silica types and is less acidic than the ZORBAX-SIL. ZORBAX Rx-SIL Featu…

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J&W PLOT PT GC columns

Agilent Technologies

Agilent J&W HP-PLOT Q is a bonded polystyrene-divinylbenzene (DVB) column specially developed for the separation of targeted nonpolar and polar compounds, including hydrocarbons (natural gas, refinery gas, ethylene, propylene, all C1-C3 isomers); CO2, methane, air/CO, and water; polar solvents (methanol, acetone, methylene chloride, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, esters); and sulfur compounds (H2S, mercaptans, COS).

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SureTag Complete DNA Labeling Kit

Agilent Technologies

SureTag Labeling Kits provide all necessary reagents for efficient sample fragmentation, enzymatic labeling and clean-up. The SureTag DNA Labeling Kits generate robust cyanine-labeled genomic DNA targets for optimal hybridization signals with high signal-to-noise ratio and low probe-to-probe variability.

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HER2 IQFISH pharmDx™

Agilent Technologies

HER2 IQFISH pharmDx™ is a direct fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assay based on Dako's new fast IQISH hybridization buffer chemistry. The new IQISH hybridization buffer is non-toxic and allows genomic DNA probe hybridization to be performed in just 60-120 minutes. The short hybridization time results in a turnaround time of about 3½ hours for a complete FISH staining from deparaffinization to mounting. HER2 IQFISH p…

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