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Agilent Technologies



7200B GC/Q-TOF

Agilent Technologies

The Agilent 7200B Quadrupole Time-of-Flight GC/MS system delivers full-spectrum, high-resolution, accurate-mass data for screening, profiling, and identifying GC-amenable compounds, using electron ionization and PCI/NCI modes.

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Mycotoxins PCDL

Agilent Technologies

Perform truly comprehensive mycotoxin screening applications with the Mycotoxins and Related Metabolites Personal Compound Database and Library (PCDL) for TOF and Q-TOF LC/MS systems. Detailed acquisition method setup information allows fast ramp-up to full productivity.

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Pesticides PCDL for LC/TOF and LC/Q-TOF

Agilent Technologies

The Pesticide Personal Compound Database and Library (PCDL) for TOF or Q-TOF LC/MS systems contains a curated accurate-mass database with over 1,700 compounds and accurate-mass MS/MS spectra for more than 800 compounds. Detailed acquisition method setup information allows fast ramp-up to full productivity.

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Pesticides tMRM Database for Triple Quadrupole LC/MS

Agilent Technologies

The Pesticide tMRM Database for LC/QQQ system contains a curated database with over 750 compounds, with up to 10 MRM transitions, fragmentor voltages, and collision energies for each compound. Instantly build methods for targeted screening and confident quantitation for hundreds of analytes in a single run. Features: Benefit from seamless integration of the tMRM database into Agilent MassHunter Quantitative software f…

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