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Agilent Technologies



PathDetect Cis-Reporting Systems

Agilent Technologies

Determine if a gene product or compound activates pathways leading to specific enhancers with our PathDetect Cis-Reporting Systems.  When PathDetect cis-reporting and expression plasmids encoding your gene of interest are co-transfected into mammalian cells, increased reporter activity indicates transcription activation and involvement of your gene product in the pathway leading to the enhancer element  

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PathDetect Trans-Reporting Systems

Agilent Technologies

Determine the direct or indirect involvement of new gene products, growth factors, and drug candidates in specific pathways with our PathDetect Trans-Reporting Systems.  Easily investigate whether your protein or compound influences the activation of any of the six transcription factors offered.  These systems are available as plasmid vectors with a luciferase reporter for co-transfection with your gene of interest into the c…

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GeneJammer Transfection Reagent

Agilent Technologies

The GeneJammer Transfection Reagent is a proprietary formulation of novel polyamines ideal for transient or stable transfections in a wide variety of cell types. This transfection reagent is effective in both serum-containing medium and serum-free medium, offering high efficiencies with minimal cytotoxicity.

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LipoTAXI Mammalian Transfection Reagent

Agilent Technologies

The LipoTAXI mammalian transfection reagent contains a unique, low-toxicity lipid formulation that has been tested with over 30 cell lines and has been shown to achieve high efficiency transfections with a wide variety of cells. Compared to CaPO4/DEAE-mediated transfection, it provides a 10-fold increase in transient transfection efficiency in many cell lines. This transfection reagent may be used with both adherent cells and…

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MBS Mammalian Transfection Kit

Agilent Technologies

The MBS Mammalian Transfection kit can increase your transfection efficiencies up to 100-fold. Cells are incubated with CaPO 4 /DNA coprecipitate for only 3 hours, versus 6 to 12 hours with traditional CaPO 4 methods. Additionally, cells can be assayed 12 to 24 hours post-transfection instead of the usual 48 to 72 hours.  

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AAV Helper-Free Systems

Agilent Technologies

The AAV Helper-Free System eliminates the requirement for wild-type adenovirus co-infection from both AAV vector production and AAV stock titering steps, making this system entirely helper virus-free and safer. This system works with a broad range of hosts and infects both dividing and non-dividing cells.

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AdEasy Adenoviral Vector Systems

Agilent Technologies

The AdEasy system saves you a month of work over traditional methods by producing the recombinant adenoviral plasmid by homologous recombination in E. coli. The AdEasy XL system includes BJ5183 cells pre-transformed with the pAdEasy-1 plasmid, this feature dramatically decreases background caused by the non-recombinant shuttle plasmid.

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AdEasy Virus Purification Kit

Agilent Technologies

The AdEasy Virus Purification Kit allows the purification and concentration of Adenovirus (from Ad5 strains) with Sartobind ® syringe filters containing an ion exchange membrane adsorber that selectively binds adenoviral particles. Once bound, viral particles can be further purified by washing away nonspecifically-bound proteins before elution.

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