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BioSpec Products Inc.




BioSpec Products Inc.

The Mini-Beadbeater-96 is high-energy, high-throughput cell disrupter.  It can process one 2 ml deep well micro plate (96 samples), two 1 ml deep well microplates (192 samples) or, using a included 45 capacity polypropylene microvial rack, 0.6, 1.5 or 2 ml microvials.  In a busy day thousands of samples can be processed.

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Mini-BeadBeater 24

BioSpec Products Inc.

The Mini-Beadbeater-24 disrupts up to 24 microbial or tissue samples with better than 95 percent efficiency. Cells are disrupted quickly and safely in the sealed system. The apparatus is easy to clean, has a small footprint and is essentially maintenance free. Compared to the Minibeadbeater-16, the Mini-24 adds advanced electronics for enhanced motor function, variable speeds of 2400-3800 rpm and a 30% increase in microvial c…

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DuelingSyringes™ Tissue Disperser

BioSpec Products Inc.

The DuelingSyringes™ tissue disperser is a low shear method used to recover intact, viable cells or as an initial step in the isolation of high quality intracellular organelles in a native condition.  The disperser consists of a pair of 1 ml syringes connected together via their Luer connections.  One of the syringes has an embedded 500 micron stainless steel screen.  Tissue is loaded into the syringe and forced back and forth…

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BioSpec Products Inc.

The BeadBeater is the ultimate laboratory-scale homogenizer for disrupting aqueous suspensions of yeast, fungi or bacteria.  Complete cell lysis of 10-80 g (wet weight) of cells is achieved in about three minutes of operation. The BeadBeater comes complete with a 350 ml polycarbonate chamber, rotor assembly, motor base, ice-water cooling jacket, and your choice of one pound of glass beads...

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Mini-BeadBeater Plus

BioSpec Products Inc.

The Mini-Beadbeater-Plus™ is an upgraded version of the venerable Mini-BeadBeater-1.  Improvements include a programmable timer, a powerful brushless motor and 115/230 VAC compatibility. The high-energy bead-mill rapidly and completely disrupts microorganisms and plant and animal tissue.

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BioSpec Products Inc.

The SoniBeast™ is our newest addition to our stable of high energy BeadBeater cell disruptors. Small samples of tissue or cells are completely disrupted in seconds rather than minutes. It processes up to twelve 0.6 ml locking-cap PCR microtubes, each containing 1-100 mg of sample, or three 2 ml microvials each containing 10-400 mg sample. The SoniBeast is designed for wet milling in water-based media. Common applications are…

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SpiralPestle and MicroTube Homogenizer

BioSpec Products Inc.

The NEW SpiralPestle™ and 1.5 ml Microtube grinder is an significant improvement over traditional smooth-walled polypropylene pestle and tube combinations.  It is used to homogenize culture cells and small samples (<100 mg wet weight) of soft tissue such as liver, brain, and muscle.  It can also be used to disperse centrifugal pellets, precipitates, and other solids.

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BioSpec Products Inc.

The Tissue-Tearor is a rotor/stator type tissue homogenizer which can rapidly homogenize, disrupt, and emulsify samples in 0.5 - 1000 ml of liquid. Complete homogenization of tissues (muscle, liver, breast tissue, etc.) is usually achieved in ten to thirty seconds. Little, if any, heat is produced during the process.

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BioSpec Products Inc.

The BioPulverizer quickly fragments hard frozen tissue samples into tiny pieces the size of grains of sand or course powder. The primary benefit of pulverizing pieces of tissue is to optimize subsequent rapid and complete cell lysis using lytic solutions or mechanical homogenizers. For difficult tissues such as tendon, skin, and tumors it is an essential step (read more). The BioPulverizer is also used at room temperature to…

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