Merit HPLC Systems
Cecil Instruments LimitedThe easiest of HPLC systems to operate, without compromising build quality.
The easiest of HPLC systems to operate, without compromising build quality.
Analytical HPLC pump from the previous, Series 1100 Cecil HPLC range, still nice at half the price.
These spectrophotometers provide superb performance, powerful ESEF software and are fully accessorised.
8 nm bandwith, Visible single beam spectrophotometer, for fast, reliable and easy measurements.
Multi lingual, 4 nm bandwith, spectrophotometer, for fast, reliable and easy measurements.
Multi lingual, 4 nm bandwith, spectrophotometer, for fast, reliable and easy measurements.
Multi lingual, 1.8 nm bandwith, spectrophotometer, for fast, reliable and easy measurements.
Perform detailed spectral scans and highly sensitive quantitative analyses on the same instrument.
A wide range of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical dissolution testing systems is available.
Pulse-free microprocessor controlled isocratic analytical pump.
May be used for analytes which do not display absorption in the UV region such as sugars or polymers
The CE 4500 is a highly sensitive, scanning fluorescence detector for liquid chromatography.
This detector is the highest industry specification and renowned for its ultra-low drift and noise
This detector is the highest industry specification and renowned for its ultra-low drift and noise
High pressure mixing isocratic system, with UV/Visible detector and PowerStream software.
High pressure mixing isocratic system, with UV/Visible WaveQuest detector and PowerStream software.
High pressure mixing isocratic autosampler system, with UV/Visible detector and PowerStream software
High pressure mixing isocratic autosampler system, with WaveQuest detector and PowerStream software.
High pressure mixing binary gradient system, with UV/Visible detector and PowerStream software.
High pressure mixing binary gradient system, with WaveQuest detector and PowerStream software.
Modular high pressure mixing, binary gradient autosampler system
Modular high pressure mixing binary gradient autosampler system
Modular manual isocratic system, with refractive index detection
This extremely low drift and ultra low noise conductivity detector, may be purchased separately
The new Cecil DC, scanning DC and pulsed amperometric electrochemical detector