Drug discovery > Basic Research Products & Reviews

Products, services, reviews and techniques used in the preliminary investigations of the disease; the cell biology, genetics and protein pathways using tissue culture, cloning and imaging.

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Drug discovery > Basic Research
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CN Bio



The PhysioMimix™ OOC Range of Single and Multi-organ Microphysiological Systems (MPS) by CN Bio

CN Bio

PhysioMimix™ microphysiological systems generate in vitro microtissues that mimic the structure and function of human tissues and organs. Through the simulation of human biological conditions, they bridge the gap between traditional cell culture and human studies, reliably predicting drug effects to facilitate the accelerated development of safe and efficacious therapeutics. 

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In vitro NASH Contract Research Services by CN Bio

CN Bio

CN Bio supports non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) therapeutic development via fast-track NASH Contract Research Services. NASH Services enable you to gain instant access to CN Bio’s expertise and one of the most advanced human in vitro models available. Submit lead candidates for screening and receive human translatable data for insightful preclinical candidate prioritization, clinical trial design and optimization.

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Drug Metabolism and Safety Toxicity Testing Services

CN Bio

CN Bio supports R&D efforts via fast-track Drug Metabolism and Safety Toxicity Testing Services that deliver human translatable insights from lead candidates in a few weeks and at lower cost than animal studies. By accessing the Company’s expertise and advanced in vitro liver-on-chip models, these Services enable researchers to step beyond standard in-house laboratory workflows for better informed pre-clinical decisions.

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Multi-chip Liver-48 (MPS-LC48) Plates by CN Bio

CN Bio

Multi-chip Liver-48 consumable plates from CN Bio enable the advanced culture of 48 miniaturized in vitro 3D liver microtissues under perfusion/ plate for comparative drug screens. Each microtissue recapitulates the functionality and microarchitecture of the human liver to accurately predict drug responses.

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