Environmental Products & Reviews

Environmental monitoring and testing assess the quality of our air, water, soil, and overall ecosystems. Using advanced technologies and analytical methods, environmental scientists collect and analyze samples to measure levels of pollutants, contaminants, and other factors impacting environmental health. By monitoring changes over time and identifying potential risks to human health, this field plays a vital role in informing policy decisions and implementing effective mitigation strategies. Explore how environmental monitoring and testing contribute to safeguarding our planet's well-being and promoting sustainable development.

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febit holding GmbH



HybSelect Sequence Capture and Sequencing Service

febit holding GmbH

Specify the genes you want to capture, and ship your genomic DNA samples to febit. febit’s experts will capture your region of interest with our HybSelect technology and send back the captured DNA to you with suggestions for the sequencing run on your SOLiD 3 system or your Illumina GAII system. Benefits • Short turn around time • Fast probe design • Available catalog Biochips for detection of cancer genes • Excellent enrichme…

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