Drug discovery > Basic Research Products & Reviews

Products, services, reviews and techniques used in the preliminary investigations of the disease; the cell biology, genetics and protein pathways using tissue culture, cloning and imaging.

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Invitek Diagnostics



InviPrep® Fast Lysis Buffer

Invitek Diagnostics

The InviPrep ® Fast Lysis Buffer provides a fast and efficient solution for DNA isolation from gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It simplifies the extraction process, requiring minimal handling and delivering excellent results. DNA can be isolated from bacterial colonies or liquid bacterial cultures such as selective media of pre-enriched food samples. With just a few simple steps, the Fast Lysis Buffer quickly lyses…

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InviSorb® Spin Tissue Mini Kit

Invitek Diagnostics

The InviSorb ® Spin Tissue Mini Kit simplifies genomic DNA purification from a variety of tissue types. In addition the kit also can be used for food and feed products of animal origin. PCR inhibitors, which can interfere with downstream reactions like PCR, are efficiently removed. The optimized sample extraction method produces reliable results, making it an ideal solution for any laboratory working with DNA.

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InviSorb® Spin Plant Mini Kit

Invitek Diagnostics

The InviSorb ® Spin Plant Mini Kit provides a fast and simple way to isolate high-quality DNA from plant species and tissue types. In addition, the kit can be used for the isolation of DNA from food and feed products of plant origin. The kit uses a prefiltration spin column, a unique filtration and homogenization column that efficiently removes cell debris and improves sample handling. 

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RTP® Pathogen Kit

Invitek Diagnostics

The RTP ® Pathogen Kit contains pre-filled Extraction Tubes with freeze-dried buffer containing all components needed for sample lysis (lysis buffer, carrier RNA, proteinase K). The Extraction Tubes are robust and can be stored at room temperature. The kit is designed for the isolation of bacterial DNA, viral DNA, and RNA from a variety of starting materials in clinical diagnostics. Simply add your sample and save up to 40 %…

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InviScreen® Norovirus Detection Kit

Invitek Diagnostics

The InviScreen ® Norovirus Detection Kit provides a real-time RT-PCR method for the qualitative detection of norovirus genogroups I (GI) and II (GII) in food samples. The method is based on ISO 15216 and detects specific regions in the conserved 5′ end of the ORF1-ORF2 junction. The method is applicable to test samples of foodstuffs and surface swabs. The kit includes Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV) as a process control vi…

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InviScreen® STEC Detection Kit

Invitek Diagnostics

The InviScreen ® STEC Detection Kit provides a real-time PCR method for the qualitative detection of STEC E. coli in food samples. The method is based on ISO 13136 and detects the presence of the stx1 and stx2 genes (associated with cytotoxicity) and the eae gene which is associated with the capability of the bacteria to adhere to the intestinal epithelium and cause disease. The method is applicable to products intended for h…

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InviScreen® Clostridium Botulinum Detection Kit

Invitek Diagnostics

The InviScreen ® Clostridium Botulinum Detection Kit is specifically designed for the qualitative detection of the specific botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) A, B, E and F of Clostridium botulinum in food, feed, and environmental samples. The real-time PCR procedure for detecting the presence of genes encoding BoNT type A (BoNT/A), type B (BoNT/B), type E (BoNT/E) and type F (BoNT/F) complies with the ISO/TS 17919 standard. The…

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InviScreen® GMO PCR Detection

Invitek Diagnostics

The InviScreen ® GMO Detection is a molecular biology tool that allows to easily detect genetically modified organisms (GMOs) using a fast, ISO 21569 standard-based, real-time PCR detection method based on the detection of the pCaMV35S, tNOS and pFMV genes. The kits can be used with a variety of starting materials, and benefits from the InviSorb® extraction kits that offer efficient protocols for DNA purification.

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InviScreen® Allergen PCR Detection

Invitek Diagnostics

The InviScreen ® Allergen Detection is a premium quality molecular biology tool to provide the general laboratory and research personnel an easy and ready-to-use kit for the detection of specific allergen species in food and feed samples. For DNA purification prior to testing, the Invisorb ® extraction kits offer efficient protocols for various starting materials. Benefit from our real-time PCR detection technology and get ac…

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