Cannabis Testing Products & Reviews

Cannabis testing is a process that evaluates the safety, potency, and quality of cannabis products for medical and recreational use. Through rigorous analysis, cannabis testing laboratories assess factors such as cannabinoid content, terpene profiles, and levels of contaminants like pesticides and heavy metals. By ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and consumer safety, cannabis testing plays a crucial role in promoting transparency and confidence in the burgeoning cannabis industry. Explore how cannabis testing laboratories contribute to delivering reliable and high-quality cannabis products to consumers worldwide.

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Cannabis Testing
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V-760 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer


The optical bench in the V-760 UV-visible spectrophotometer utilizes a double monochromator to provide exceptional resolution with extremely low stray light (0.00008%) to assure more precise measurement over the widest photometric range.The V-760 provides excellent sensitivity for diffuse reflectance or transmittance of solid and liquid samples using an integrating sphere. The spectral bandwidth can be set as narrow as 0.1 nm…

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V-750 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer


The optical design employs ‘true double beam optics’ with a chopper providing timed sample, reference and dark current measurements.A high sensitivity PMT (photomultiplier tube) provides accurate and reproducible measurements of both low (and high) concentration samples. By controlling the high voltage applied to the PMT, the dynode feedback circuit allows a wider dynamic range. It also provides excellent sensitivity for diffu…

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V-770 UV-Visible/NIR Spectrophotometer


The V-770 UV-Visible-Near Infrared (UV-Vis/NIR) spectrophotometer features a monochromator with automatically exchanged dual gratings: 1200 lines/mm for the UV/VIS region; 300 lines/mm for the NIR region. A PMT detector is provided for the UV-visible region and a Peltier-cooled PbS detector is employed for the NIR region. Both gratings and detectors are automatically exchanged within the user selectable 800 to 900 nm range.

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V-780 UV-Visible/NIR Spectrophotometer


The V-780 UV-Visible-Near Infrared (UV-Vis/NIR) spectrophotometer features a monochromator with automatically exchanged dual gratings: 1200 lines/mm for the UV/VIS region; 600 lines/mm for the NIR region. A PMT detector is provided for the UV-visible region and a high sensitivity InGaAs photodiode detector is employed for the NIR region. Both gratings and detectors are automatically exchanged within the user selectable 800 to…

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